
Advocacy Factsheet by BILD

Annual health checks
A guide to your health check for adults with learning disabilities
Annual health checks from Mencap
Annual health checks resources


Autism resource for parents - The ultimate new guide
Tools for supporting autistic people

Care and Treatment Reviews (CTR)
Care and Treatment Reviews
CTR code and toolkit
CTR policy
My care and treatment review

Autism spectrum conditions and total communication
My communication passport  


Supporting children and adults with autism & learning disabilities to visit the dentist

Dysphagia for people with autism and learning disabilities

Forced Marriage
Forced Marriage of People with Learning Disabilities - Ann Craft Trust

Improving heathcare access for people with learning disabilities - guidance for social care staff

Learning Disability Nursing
Personal characteristics and skills required: Learning Disability Nursing
Strengthen your commitment to learning disability nursing
Preparing to visit a doctor to talk about psychotropic medication

Mortality and premature deaths 
Learning Disability Mortality Review Programme (LeDeR) - NHS England

Positive behaviour support

Paving the way: Early intervention for children with learning disabilities whose behaviour challenges
PBS - Standards
Positive paths to positive behaviours
Video - an introduction to PBS
Profound and multiple learning disabilities (PMLD)
Supporting people with profound and multiple learning disabilities: Core standards and essential services

Reasonable adjustments
Reasonable adjustments for people with a learning disability who have diabetes

Safeguarding adults who have mental capacity: key principles

Sleep for children with autism

Transforming Care
Transforming Care Resources from United Response

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