Thursday 1 February 2018

Oxleas Learning Disability Bulletin for February 2018

Welcome! The purpose of this bulletin is to keep you in touch with news from the learning disability world in a monthly digest. We hope to include information on the latest policy and research along with easy read information. If you have any requests for information or if you want to share with the Oxleas learning disability community please send them to Steve Hardy or Jill Davies.

If you would like to receive an email alert about future bulletins please send an email to Steve Hardy.

All links are written in blue or grey and worked on the 1st Feb 2018.

1. Stories of the month!
An orchestra of triangle players just broke this huge world record

New video explaining what is 'autism'.

Speaking Up About Prenatal Testing as Someone With Down Syndrome - Heidi Crowter

‘Strengthen your commitment to learning disability nursing’ - Helen Laverty

Sky is the Limit for Royston artist Emma after mum’s film goes global

2. Blogs

10 ways to help the parent of a child with autism - Sharon King, The Guardian

5 Ways to Explain Autism to People - Autism

Breaking the rules - Viki Ainsworth and Jim Blair, LD Today

Care homes briefing - Mental Capacity Act: Assistance in making decisions - Radcliffes LeBrasseur, Lexology

Catatonia and autism - Darren Devin, LD Today

Dealing with Aggressive Aspergers Teens: 10 Tips for Parents - Mary Hutten, My Aspergers Child

Disabled actors on prime-time TV? No wonder I cried at Silent Witness - Penny Pepper, The Guarian

Dry mouth affects people with intellectual or learning disabilities, as well as older people - Clinical Pharmacist

For Some With Intellectual Disabilities, Ending Abuse Starts With Sex Ed - Joseph Shapiro, NPR

For Those Who Supported Me Through My Son's Autism Diagnosis And Beyond - Tina Medlock, Huff Post UK

How finding love is tough for people with disabilities - Liam Baldock and Steph Knight, Diverse Abilities Plus

In Their Own Words: People With Intellectual Disabilities Talk About Rape - Joseph Shapiro, NPR

Living with Asperger's: I feel that my Asperger's defines me, but in a positive light, writes James Thompson - James Thompson, Saskatoon Star Phoenix

Making the case for the personalised approach - James Sanderson & Jacquie White, NHS England

Parents with Learning Disabilities and a Local Authority’s Responsibilities  - Emma Harman, Family Law Week

Perspectives: The health of people with intellectual disabilities: realising the future potential of all nurses and nursing to reduce health disparities - Ruth Northway, Journal of Research in Nursing

Preparing for a life after death: A guide for parents of adult children with special needs - Tamara E. Holmes, USA Today

Sensory Overload: How to Find What Works Best for Your ASD Child - Lyvonne Pfefer, Autism Parenting Magazine

Sexuality and learning disability - Darren Devine, LD Today

Silent Witness screening - Amy Clarke, Mencap

Teaching those with autism to live a full life - Viwe Ndongeni, Independence On Line

Transforming Care - Who is going in?  - Chris Hatton Blog

Voices of people with learning disabilities 'must be heard' in Mental Health Act review - Learning Disability Today

'We should only treat people who are ill' - Hazel Watson, Mental Health Today

What a patient with a learning disability would like you to know - Emily Smith, British Medical Journal

Why Girls on the Autism Spectrum Often Go Undiagnosed - The Autism Site

3. Book and training packs
10 rules for ensuring autistic people and people with learning disabilities cannot access healthcare by Viki Ainsworth and Jim Blair

Autism and Intellectual Disability in Adults Volume 2 - Dr. Damian Milton and Prof. Nicola Martin

Autism in a Decentered World - Alice Wexter

Behavior Support for Students with ASD: Practical Help for 10 Common Challenges - Debra Leach

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy for People with Intellectual Disabilities: Thinking creatively - Andrew Jahoda et al

Citizenship Inclusion and Intellectual Disability: Biopolitics Post-Institutionalis​ation - Niklas Altermark 

Making friends at work: Learning to make positive choices in social situations for people with autism - Saffron Gallup

Person-centred Active Support Training Pack (2nd Edition) - Julie Beadle-Brown, Bev Murphy and Jill Bradshaw

Successful Health Screening through Desensitisation for People with Learning Disabilities - Lisa Harrington and Sarah Walker

4. Can You Understand It? Team news

The team are presenting a workshop at 'Learning Disability Study Day' held in London on the 15th May. Find out more here.

5. Easy Read Information


Easy News - Dec 2017, United Response

Easy Read Newsletter: Winter 2017 - NHS England

6. Events

8th February 2018, Manchester
NHS England Learning Disability and Autism Forum Event

6th March 2018, London
Benchmarking & Good Practice in LEARNING DISABILITIES SERVICES

5th - 6th March 2018, Birmingham
2018 Restraint Reduction Network Conference

7th - 8th March 2018, London
Mini PAS-ADD & ChA-PAS for mental health assessment of people with intellectual disabilities

7th - 8th March 2018
The Autism Professionals Annual Conference 2018

13th March 2018, London
Learning Disabilities: Fulfilling Potential and Supporting Better Lives

13th March 2018, SwanseaLearning Disability Wales - Personal Relationships and Sexuality

20th April 2018, Dublin
Positive Commitment Conference

3rd - 4th May 2018, London
Preparing for Adulthood 

12th - 16th May 2018, Belfast
Royal College of Nursing Congress

15th May 2018, London

Learning Disability Study Day 2018

9 - 10 July 2018, Manchester
The Patient Safety Congress 

28 November 2018, London
Learning Disability Today Exhibition and Learning Day

7. Guidance and resources

Autism spectrum disorder in under 19s: recognition, referral and diagnosis NICE Clinical Guidelines

Care and support of older people with learning disabilities - NICE Draft Guidelines

Forced Marriage of People with Learning Disabilities - Ann Craft Trust

Learning disabilities and behaviour that challenges: service design and delivery - NICE Guidelines - Publish to be due 28th March 2018

Learning Disability Mortality Review Programme (LeDeR) - NHS England

Paving the way: Early intervention for children with learning disabilities whose behaviour challenges - A new website resource from the Challenging Behaviour Foundation

Safeguarding adults who have mental capacity: key principles - Community Care

Supporting people with profound and multiple learning disabilities: Core & essential service standards - CMG, PMLD Link, The Sensory Project and Choice Support

The BILD Factsheets relating to people with learning disabilities from BILD

Transforming Care Resources from United Response

What duties does the local authority have towards children and young adults with special educational needs? - Anthony Gold Solicitors

8. Journals

Advances in Autism
Advances in Mental Health and Intellectual Disabilities
Autism Journal
Autism Parenting Magazine 
British Journal of Learning Disabilities
Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities

Journal of Intellectual Disabilities and Offending Behaviour
Journal of Intellectual Disability Research
Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities
Learning Disability Practice
Tizard Learning Disability Review

9. News concerning people with learning disabilities and/or autism

Buddy programme helps special needs pupils explore world of art and sport - Jan 4th, The National

Decline in learning disability nurses prompts warning - Jan 12th, Nursing Standard

Charity supporting adults with learning disabilities have wishes granted - Jan 13th, Leamington Observer

Church of England warns future of Down's 'under question' - Jan 19th, BBC UK

Constipation death 'wholly preventable' - Jan 22nd, BBC

Court rules children of learning-disabled mother can be adopted despite criticising council - Jan 10th, Community Care

Desperate parents are being duped into giving their autistic children deadly BLEACH in order to 'cure' them - Jan 29th, Daily Mail

Disabled man Tasered by police and charged with assaulting an officer in a case which collapsed when his mother obtained CCTV of the incident - Jan 31st, London Economy

Disabled Tory MP Calls Toby Young 'Dark And Dangerous' In Plea To Ministers To Act - Jan 8th, The Huffington Post

Disabilities caused in babies by epilepsy drug a 'scandal' - Jan 22nd, BBC England

Documentary to turn spotlight on ‘mate crime’ - Jan 16th, Shields Gazette

Dundee housing support service graded ‘excellent’ - Dundee Evening Telegraph

Exeter tech entrepreneur helps care home owners improve standards of care - Jan 2nd, Devon Live

'Fit 4 U 2' launched for adults with learning disabilities  - Jan 4th, Q Radio

Gig Buddies helps people with learning difficulties to go out - Jan 11th, BBC UK

Girl writes open letter requesting 'nice foster family' - Jan 14th, ITV

Great improvement in health checks for Thurrock residents with learning disabilities - Jan 11th, Your Thurrock

Increasing Annual Health Checks for people with learning disabilities - Jan 17th, Durham CCG

Joining football team transforms life of girl with autism - Jan 16th, Southern Daily Echo

Judge asked to let sick man with learning disabilities ‘die naturally’ - Jan 26th, Shropshire Star

Kisses and cuddles are not enough’: Judges puts two young children up for adoption after ruling their partly deaf mother, 35, who has a learning disability and her husband, 59, are unable to care for them - Jan 10th, Daily Mail

Look at amazing plans for state-of-the-art Hull care home to help severely disabled - Jan 2nd, Hull Daily Mail

Meet the music therapist using groundbreaking facial recognition for people living with disabilities - Jan 22nd, Wirral Globe

Meet the amazing models - all with disabilities - in a stunning swimwear photoshoot - Jan 11th, Grimsby Telegraph

Mencap launch support programme for families and children with a learning disability  - Jan 30th, The Irish Times

Mum suing East Lancashire Hospitals Trust over daughter's birth - Jan 23rd, Lancashire Telegraph

Mums warned as babies left disabled in 'scandal' over commonly-used drug - Jan 22nd, Echo

Minister for loneliness must 'focus on people with learning disabilities' - Jan 17th, LD Today

New online tool aims at helping children with autism develop social skills - Jan 20th, Hannibal Courier Post

New QEII gains first Purple Star for supporting patients with learning disabilities - Jan 2018, East and North Hertfordshire NHS Trust

New 'smart toy' offers autistic children new ways to learn - Jan 15th, Arutz Sheva

NHS England to investigate Hackney Community Dental Service where no routine appointments have been offered for nine months - Jan 18th, Hackney Gazette

Opportunities were missed in case of Suffolk man Richard Handley, NSFT safeguarding chief tells inquest - Jan 31st, East Anglia Daily Times

Principal praises high calibre staff as The Loddon School is rated 'outstanding' - Jan 27th, Gazette

Reassurance over plans to move people with learning difficulties and complex needs out of hospitals and into the community - Jan 8th, Hartlepool Mail

Rethink urged over cuts to disabled theatre funding - Jan 29th, BBC Scotland

Silent Witness divides viewers over care home abuse storyline - Jan 30th, Radio Times

Sussex Health Care’s New State-of-the-art Gym Welcomes Residents And Community Members - Jan 5th, Positive Facts

Teen with Down syndrome and a dream is on a roll - Jan 3rd, The Star

Toby Young defends disability comments saying 'I have an older brother with learning disabilities' - Jan 4th, Homecare

Welsh Theatre Charity Launches Pioneering Project In Lesotho - Jan 31st, Broadway World

'You have to fight for everything' to tackle autism - Jan 24th, BBC Wales

10. Newsletters
Down's Syndrome : Defeating Dementia Winter Newsletter

11. Reports

Valuing the Views of Children with Learning Disabilities - Dec 12th, The Challenging Behaviour Foundation

12. Requests

A request from Madrid, Spain. Al La Par are looking for a director of their special school. You can read about their work here. Email Almudena Martorell.

Decision making and mental capacity - guidelines in development from NICE - consultation close on 5th February 2018. Submit here.

Finding out if easy guide to screening meet the needs of pregnant women who have learning disabilities - complete an on line survey by Public Health England here.

Independent Review of the Mental Health Act - The Government (England and Wales) want to listen to views from people with experience of being sectioned or of caring for someone who has been sectioned under the Mental Health Act as part of the review. Complete the survey here. Closes on 28th February 2018.

Pavilion and Learning Disability Today are looking for contributors to write 'spotlight' features highlighting what your area does for people with learning disabilities in terms of social activities. Get in touch if you're interested in writing with your ideas of who you'd interview: Barney Cullum.

Vicky Huckle of Oxleas NHS Foundation Trust is running a half marathon on the 25th March in aid of the National Autistic Trust! Please donate here.

Sheffield Care Trust and Sheffield City Council developed a benchmarking tool to promote the safety of people with learning disabilities in acute mental health and general hospital settings. This is mentioned in an RCN publication - does anyone know about this? Please email Steve Hardy

Transforming children and young people’s mental health provision: a green paper by the Dept. of Health and Social Care and Dept. of Education are running a consultation which closes on March 2nd 2018 - read about it here.

13. Research

Autism Tied to Suicidal Behavior in Teens, Young Adults - Taipe Veterans General Hospital

Contraception for adolescents with disabilities: taking control of periods, cycles and conditions  - Oxleas NHS Foundation Trust

Effects of a Web-based Training Programme Focusing on Challenging Behaviour Clinical Trials

Head banging as a form of self-harm among inpatients within forensic mental health and intellectual disability services - Verity Chester and Regi Alexander
History of learning disability nursing to be explored in 'unique' new study - University of West London et al

Improving the experience of acute hospital care - Hywel Dda University Health Board

Research compares neural activity in children with and without autism spectrum disorder - University of California

U.S. autism rates appear to be stabilizing, new study suggests - University of Iowa

Which Interventions are Effective for Depression and Intellectual Disability? - Jahoda et al

13. Focus on autism and Star Wars!
Combining two passions of mine; people on the spectrum and Star Wars!

Thanks for visiting! Hope February will be good for you!

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Lloyd visits Goldie Leigh!

Lloyd Page from Mencap visits Goldie Leigh! During March earlier this year Lloyd Page who works for National Mencap visited Goldie Le...